Leadership; Design Thinking; Team Buidling; George von Staden; Rhetorics; Innovation; Bilingual Coaching



Leadership is a mindset!

Leadership goes without hidden agendas!

Leadership Leadership is the creation of an environment in which others are able to self-actualize in the process of completing the job.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

The greatness of a leader is measured by the achievements of the led.

Stop – Think – Act




Leadership – One on One

We offer the full spectrum – Bilingual

To the point. No time wasted.

Coaching with the integration of High End Key Note Speakers.

These session are 100% adapted to your needs and aim at Leaders and Managers that want to get their Approach on the pavement. Get in touch, let us talk.


Leadership – Group Sessions

We get to the nitty gritty to make Departments run smooth

Our Team Leadership training program teaches managers to diagnose their team’s development and apply the right leadership style to build and sustain high-performance teams.

By coaching managers their leadership skills, you can significantly improve your teams’ ability to execute on projects, grow the business, and adapt to whatever arises.




Leadership – Aspiring

To uncover the talent you already have, you’ve got to know your people’s strengths and what keeps them motivated. And, of course, you need to understand where your business is headed and what people you will need to get you there.

Sounds simple enough, but as your organization evolves, how do you know what tomorrow’s talent should look like today?

Drawing on data, proven methods and decades of industry experience we build a picture of the talent you need tailored to your industry, business function, job level or business challenge. We use world-class assessment techniques to get closer to your people and understand the talent you have. Then we work on closing the gaps so you have the right people in the right roles today—with the right talent to take on new roles tomorrow.


15 + 2 =

Team Building – Experience

With over 20 years of Team Building Experience we have a HUGE positive result portfolio. Our Pride and Glory.

Team Building – Exhiliration

1. We offer 1 to 3 day sessions based on your needs

2. We build teams by integration of Leaders, Managers, HR professionals and Team Members from scratch to create to most effective event for you.

3. Outdoors and Indoors

4. 12 Months per year

Team Building – Adventure

Our Teambuilding journeys happen on a global scale. We have worked in most continents and in over 30 nations from Vacouver to Hobart. There is nothing more exciting than an outdoor challenge. We build Sioux Villages to Iglus. We create the BEST for you. We Rock Teams.

Team Building – Structure

When you need to restructure your teams, when you search for answers in interpersonal cooperations and communications we are the ones to take the task.

  1. Realigning functions and people to new strategic directions.
  2. Adapting to changes in leadership.
  3. Solving collaboration, communication, decision-making, or performance problems.
  4. Reducing costs.
  5. Refocusing strategic priorities.
  6. Unlocking potential in terms of efficiency or effectiveness.

Team Building – Recruitment

We do recruit worldwide.

We use the best recruitment processes that contain the 3 Cs – Clarity, Communication and Closure – and this will always manage your expectations.

Team Building – Sustainablity

We work together with you. Case Closed. W also give you the tools so that you can organize and facilitate future team buildings on your own. Choosing us as facilitators gives offery you the chance to codesign and dialo at the highest level. We work 100% transparent.

15 + 8 =


We offer the full spectrum – Bilingual

Presentation Training – High End

Why do presentations often fail to have the impact we desire? One reason is that information alone will never move people. In this course, you’ll go beyond presenting just the facts and figures to craft compelling presentations that will motivate others, inspire action, and enable buy-in. By surfacing what matters to your audience, you’ll learn to create presentations that are both meaningful and memorable. Gain the confidence and skills it takes to shift the way people think, feel, and behave.



We offer the full spectrum – Bilingual

Stage Training – High End – Key Notes

Speaker Training and Development

George von Staden  is regularly requested coach and consultant in developing presentations, products and businesses. Learn how to become an effective, in-demand speaker and to build a backend business that allows you to earn profitably when you are not on the stage.

Programs Available For Beginner To Expert Speakers Including:

  • Developing Your Presentation, Platform, Product and People – 2.5 Day one-on-one program with GvS to develop a comprehensive program for speakers who want to create and launch quickly and profitably – Includes key speech development and design. Program includes:
    • Identify Your Brand Promise And Develop Your Persona
    • Overview and Outline For One Backend Product And One Front end Lead Generating Book.
    • 12 Months Of Ongoing One-On-One Coaching To Maximize Your Success
    • Development Of Your Presentation Look And Feel Including At Least 12 Slides To Open And Close Your Presentation
    • 2-3 Minute Speaking Video For Event Producers
    • Development Of Your Online Speakers Kit For Download By Event Producers
    • Development Of Your First Pitch And Close
  • Executive Speaking Program – This program is designed to help executives as well as sales and marketing personnel develop powerful presentations and presence. This program can be delivered in person on remotely.
    • Developing Your Persuasive Persona, Presence, and Voice
    • Create Your Perfect, Persuasive Pitch
    • Develop Key Delivery Behaviors That Captivate And Move Audiences
    • Overcome Fear Of Public Speaking
  • Presentation And Pitch Review – Let George von Staden review, critique and polish your existing presentation to make it more effective and to build in key elements that connect speaker, listener, and offer. This program is delivered remotely via online presentation and review platforms

      6 + 10 =


      Intense Development Program

      We coach Leaders and Start – Up Professionals to really get down to the nitty gritty of things. Full bluntal approach. We have a strong code of ethics, we believe in diversity, equality and sustainablity.

      We support the accelerating change across your Organization

      Coaching is one of the most powerful ways to speed up business and personal transformation.

      While many organizations focus on coaching as a perk or retention tool they don’t seem to connect it to business or personal goals. Individual growth happens but only ever adds up to a series of disconnected moments.

      When coaching is connected, it’s different.

      GvS is different. Our approach channels the energy of your people towards a shared business goal, and envisioned personal golas. Turning moments into momentum. And accelerating change. Go for it.

      1 + 6 =


      Honest and to the Point…

      Ongoing Workshops - get informed

      These workshops are a great way to start your Business year…every year….

      Building your Mission

      The goal of the workshop is to help the team collaboratively write a mission statement that can be used as a framework for decision-making and serve as the guiding principles for building the new product.

      Crafting your vision

      Together we build and craft and crate:

      • Vision statements describe your company’s “why,” while mission statements describe the “who” and “what” of your business. 
      • Vision statements are essential because they reveal a common goal and direction for your employees.    
      • You can craft a compelling vision statement by infusing it with passion, making it inspiring, and aligning it with your business’s values and goals.
      • We can do this together
      House Rules

      All our work is customized. We create with HR and C Level professionals as well as Team Managers and Team Members. We are all equally important for the process.

      Have a Question?

      Talk to us

      Leadership; Design Thinking; Team Building; George von Staden; Rhetorics; Innovation; Training Bilingual Coaching